Yard Card Business Starter Kit | Silver Edition | 240+ items
Start your Yard Card Business with this Kit. Over 240 items: letters, numbers, quick sets, yard cards, stakes, etc. Fully customizable.
**Production time for this product may be longer than regular. Parts of your order may ship or be ready for pickup as soon as they are available to offset the extended production time.
What’s Included
Letters & Number Sets
61 Letter Set
Font: Lucky Guy
Size: 22″
Items: 61
Letters: A x4, B x3, C x2, D x3, E x3, F x2, G x2, H x4, I x4, J x1, K x2, L x3, M x2, N x2, O x2, P x4, Q x1, R x3, S x3, T x3, U x1, V x1, W x1, X x1, Y x3, Z x1